Browsing: Website

How does a DDoS attack work?

DDoS attack

If you came to this article, you maybe want to learn more about the DDoS attack. So, yes. Here you will find the fundamental information about it. In addition, and more specifically, we will look at the purpose of this attack, how it function, and what are the methods to prevent it. So, if this matches your desires, let’s start exploring it!

DDoS attack purpose

A Distributed-Denial-of-Service (DDoS) attack is a type of cybercrime. It means that the goal of a DDoS attack is to overwhelm a server, computer, or network with massive amounts of traffic generated from multiple sources. When the target fails, its services or access to it for regular users is denied.

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What is ccTLD?


Are you planning how to succeed on the Internet? To plan strategic moves sometimes requires diving into lots of abbreviations, terms, technology names, processes, etc., a little bit hard to understand. So, if you got stuck wondering what ccTLD is, here you have the explanation.

What is TLD?

TLD means top-level domain. Domain names have a clear structure. Each of its components is separated by a dot. On the left, the subdomain is located. Then the SLD or second-level domain comes. This component is easy to recognize for everybody because it’s the name of the business or brand the domain is about. Then, finally the TLD, that also is easy to identify since most extensions have become really popular: .org, .com, .gov, .uk, .net, etc. There is a “.” after it that represents the root domain, but this will be for another time.

Actually, you are very familiar with this structure. Just see this example: On the left, you have the subdomain “www”, “example” is the SLD, and finally, the TLD is “.com”. 

The structure obeys the DNS (domain name system), the international system used to translate domain names to IP addresses for the Internet. 

List of Popular ccTLDs

Types of TLDs.

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SSL vs TLS. Which one to choose?


Authentication and security for the transporting of data are the common factors between these two technologies. There are differences between SSL vs TLS. Let see what each of them has in store for you.

What is SSL?

Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) is a standard for encrypting data that is exchanged between users’ devices (browsers) and websites. SSL also proves identity for users to feel safer. SSL became a convenient security layer, especially for websites requiring sensitive data from users.

TLSA record – Why do you need it?

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How to back up your website?

Website Back Up

Even in the offline world, people back up their paperwork preventing a possible data loss. With computers, we learned the importance of backing up regularly in case of a hardware or software failure, a virus, or other threat.

The same logic should operate for websites. You should have security copies of it. This can save you in case something goes wrong, but also in other common situations.

Why is it important to back up your website?

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