Are you planning how to succeed on the Internet? To plan strategic moves sometimes requires diving into lots of abbreviations, terms, technology names, processes, etc., a little bit hard to understand. So, if you got stuck wondering what ccTLD is, here you have the explanation.

What is TLD?

TLD means top-level domain. Domain names have a clear structure. Each of its components is separated by a dot. On the left, the subdomain is located. Then the SLD or second-level domain comes. This component is easy to recognize for everybody because it’s the name of the business or brand the domain is about. Then, finally the TLD, that also is easy to identify since most extensions have become really popular: .org, .com, .gov, .uk, .net, etc. There is a “.” after it that represents the root domain, but this will be for another time.

Actually, you are very familiar with this structure. Just see this example: On the left, you have the subdomain “www”, “example” is the SLD, and finally, the TLD is “.com”. 

The structure obeys the DNS (domain name system), the international system used to translate domain names to IP addresses for the Internet. 

List of Popular ccTLDs

Types of TLDs.

Different types of TLDs were created for you to choose the one that best describes the purpose of your business or organization. Users could have clues about that by just reading your domain name.

The Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA) belongs to the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICAAN), and it’s in charge of the top-level domain. It recognizes three TLD types: gTLD, sTLD, and ccTLD.

What is gTLD or generic top-level domain? Here you have many of the most popular choices: .com, .net, .org, .info, etc. Brands and companies can register their name in this category by complying with some requirements and paying a fee (.google, .oracle, etc.). Different fields or niches also have a gTLD, .money, .motorbikes, .realestate, .mom, etc.

What is sTLD or sponsored top-level domain? TLDs sponsored by specific entities (government, business, cultural organizations, etc.) fall in this TLD type. For instance, .gov points directly sponsored by government, .mil is reserved for the US military, .museum, .jobs, .post, .travel, etc. 

What is ccTLD or country code top-level domain? ccTLD is the type of TLD that is used for representing countries. Think about: .uk (United Kingdom), .de (Germany), .cn (China), .ru (Russia), .us (USA), .fr (France), .nl (Netherlands), .br (Brazil), etc. 

Some are public. Therefore, there are no restrictions to purchase them, but you must comply with some legal requirements to obtain others. For example, a legal permit for living, working, or running a business in the country whose TLD you want to register.

Advantages of using ccTLDs.

  • Using them, you can easily point to the market you are interested in.
  • You can indicate that your business is local. The idea of “local” is vital for many clients to complete transactions and to feel a website more reliable.
  • Having an international company, through a ccTLD, you can state that you have a new branch in a specific country. 
  • Even if you are far from your clients, using their ccTLD on your domain name can make them feel your business closer. 
  • Picking a proper ccTLD can add value, trustability, good image to your business. 
  • Most ccTLDs are popular, easy to identify by people. Then you can have efficient communication with your audience. 


To be visible on the Internet requires strategy and constant adjustments to it. ccTLDs can look small, but actually, they play an important role. Understanding how they work and the advantages they can bring to your business is key for you to reach your audience. Success!