Author: geraldine

Domain Name System Security Extension (DNSSEC).

Domain Name System Security Extension (DNSSEC)

DNSSEC is a group of different protocols and specifications for adding a security layer to the Domain Name System and all its processes. From the look-ups to all the exchange of data.

Those extensions supply DNS resolvers security through authenticated denial of existence, cryptographic authentication of DNS information, and information integrity.

It was created by the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF). Mainly because the Domain Name System’s design originally didn’t include security aspects. In the early times of its use, different vulnerabilities were detected. Then this DNSSEC was developed. Creators chose to give this system the shape of extensions to make it easier to add them to the rest of the DNS infrastructure already in use.

Learn more about how DNSSEC service works!

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How to back up your website?

Website Back Up

Even in the offline world, people back up their paperwork preventing a possible data loss. With computers, we learned the importance of backing up regularly in case of a hardware or software failure, a virus, or other threat.

The same logic should operate for websites. You should have security copies of it. This can save you in case something goes wrong, but also in other common situations.

Why is it important to back up your website?

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What is two-factor authentication, and how does it work?

two-factor authentication

One of the most basic security methods is the creation of strong passwords. The problem is after time, we all need to create not one password but plenty of them. For the personal and job e-mail, banking, taxation, social networks, video streaming service, shopping, etc.

This is bait for hackers. By cracking passwords, they can access all possible sensitive data from people. Besides, many people use the same password for different accounts, they don’t change them regularly, and they use really predictable information. This makes the job really easy for the shady guys.

What is two-factor authentication?

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Web hosting – explained for beginners

Web hosting

The process of creating a website, if you are passionate about your idea, is really exciting. Sometimes, as beginners, we think about important aspects like the design, content, a very attractive name, but we don’t consider the technical side.

One of the first needs that you will face is web hosting. Where on the Internet will your website live? Where are you going to store all its content and tech resources?

What is web hosting? 

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How does Traceroute command work?

Traceroute command

By the name of this command, you already know what it does, but let’s go a bit deeper and see precisely how the Traceroute command works. When you learn how to use the Traceroute command, you will see how useful it is and how often you will need it in your daily network’s tasks.

What is the Traceroute command?

Traceroute is one of the built-in commands inside your OS (Linux, macOS, and even on Windows as a tracert command) that serves for network diagnostic and, more specifically, for tracing the route from a point to a target.

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How to hide your IP address

Hide IP Address

What is an IP address?

The IP address is a tag that each device that is connected to a network that uses IP (Internet Protocol) gets to identify the network and the location of a device on the network.

By seeing the IP address, you can see who the host of service is (the computer) and trace it to its location (where precisely it is placed).

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